Manav Dahra
Hi! welcome to my portfolio
I have close to 10 years of experience as a backend engineer working with a variety of technology stacks and domains. To me Software Engineering is application of Math, logic, and creative problem-solving. Being curious is my strength I would say.
I often spend time in weekends trying to understand how systems work under the hood. This involves some experimenting and reverse engineering. This helps me to develop a more holistic, finer outlook on computer science and eventually to develop better solutions at work.
I want to adopt a more sophisticated and comprehensive perspective on computer science. Recently, I started to delve more deeply into some popular technologies that people take for granted. Like - Databases, distributed systems, concurrency, computer graphics, machine learning, Advanced Algorithms & DS. much more... I can never claim that I have learnt enough, or that I am the best expert in the town and I guess that is ok... as long as the learning never stops. It's the progress that matters in the end, doesn't matter where the starting point is.
I'll soon be writing some blog posts on topics that I found really interesting. Hope the readers find them interesting as well.
If you find my portfolio interesting and would like to connect with me, then you can send me a connection request at
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I'm eager to work and collaborate with others on initiatives that fit my interests and skill set.
I hope you find my portfolio enjoyable. 😁